OMG!!!! 1st of the month, plus last big holiday weekend of summer! I am only 1 meatcutter with a little help from sub-par cutters trying to keep up, I thought I cut heavy yesterday, LOL, 31st did 4k not much for 1 person to handle but then comes the 1st 11k in volume, today I could not cut enough, not break, no lunch, 1 hour overtime and case still looks empty. gave up on AD products altogether, figured if their gonna buy lets make some money, so I went lite on ad and heavy on upcuts, buy noon I was at 8k lookin like a 16k day, is anyone else in my predicament, gonna have to go in at 4 am tomorrow just so I can recover the empty case I am going to walk into. Had to give up for the day after 10 hours, now I am gonna just be unwinding being a gentleman (jack) and coke for a while.
I am only goin to have 1 though! LOL 1 after another!!!!
i am only 1 cutter too int he store. i am the ONLY cutters. today was rough..had to order real heavy for today cuz i can't get another truck til wednesday so this morning I had to get all the lunch meat up before i could get started then I had to make room for all the extra meat i got in today all the while constantly getting distracted by customers needing something..seemed like forever before i could finally start filling the case. but once i got all those little things out of the way it was pretty smooth sailing and i got everythign done in time.
Hey I hear ya .We have two cutters here, but it was still hard to keep up. Whole pork loins and whole ribeyes on AD. Can't wait till Sat. Big Troyer order coming. Selling more Pork loins than expected. Man, this is the life. What I like is everyone else gets a 3 or 4 day weekend, but me. Keeping the ol customers happy is what I do best. Who else is working straight through?
I hear ya we have B.I. Ny @ 4.99 B.I, rib stk at 6.99 and top sirloin at 3.99 + whole bnls pork loin at 1.99 all the up cuts off the istem are also on ad. Wall deli was a whole other story, thats where the sub par cutters come in. LOL
J Mansell in the day, when we had these type days, I would go tell the store manager you can lock me in tonight, I'll be cutting all night. when the crew came in the next morning case would be full, I would wrap enought to have it full and level and ready for business. have the racks full ready to be wrapped, rail full ready to be wrap. I would be put in 16 to 18 hours, go home, sleep for 4 to 5 hours, get up go ride horses or chase women. ( wink )
There was times in big volume markets where I have spent the night with two other cutters doing the same thing.
Now in those days doing this was off the clock, BUT when I left I would clock in and the store manager or market manager would finish clocking me in and out the rest of the day. you can't get away with that nowadays unless you got a old time store or market manager that knows how to back up his cutters. an too it depended on your cutters also if they live under the rule, " what ever it takes to get the job done "
Leon you didn't say you cleaned up you just left the mess for the guys in the morning didn't you. my old boss who trained me ..the one with 50 years expereince. He used to say you do what you got to do. he used to tell me stories about when it snowed so bad you couldn't drive.. he would call a fellow cutter from a different store who lived closer to his store while he lived closer to that guys store and they would switch stores and walk in the snow to work. I try to live up to that do what you got to do to get it done thing. at save alot i was the only cutter there after frank (old guy i am talking about) had to retire suddenly to illness. I used to come in at 2 in the morning 8 hours before we open for business and get started. I would leave at 11 and take the rest of the day off we did about 30k a week there. but you know not having help made it harder. on another note i moved to virginia for 6 years before returning to michigan last november. I had hoped to hook up with frank again and thank him for teaching me so well. I was sad to discover that he passed away just 2 months before i moved back to michigan this was a great cutter and a great guy. even at 65 he was still moving faster than me. he taught me to use two hands all the time..he would say you got two hands why are you only using one? ..he would say don't put your knife down. he taught me to cut, tray and tie whatever with out ever putting the knife down. anyone i train i try to pass that down to this too. I like to think that frank's way will live on in me and anyone i am able to pass this style down to.
not too bad down here, yesterday was busy for me cutting the case and then some. with the county fair and highschool football starting laswt night wasnt so bad, but this morning i git the sunday order done, truck unloaded, worked and put away before i had to fill a few holes in the case. the floating cutter came in at noon to work the case. we will see how things look in the morning.......
Leon you didn't say you cleaned up you just left the mess for the guys in the morning didn't you
Who ever was on clean up that night would go ahead and clean everything but one saw and grinder. ( the one saw would be raked out ) If it was me I would do the same. When I got ready to leave in the morning before the others came in I would have all the boxes out, the saw raked out, blocks scrapped off. floor hose down. If we were doing hanging I had all the boning done before I cleaned up.
Its our county fair this weekend so that takes ALOT of business away from us, although we do get quite a bit of orders for hot dogs, burgers and other stuff that people take to camp at the fair which helps....
what cowboy said was something I often did to, the 70's was real bad trying to stay caught up. wasn't nothing to work all night. as with him I was clocked in and out to.
we had a great week and a big week end, I was so tried when I got home Sat & Sun I fell asleep on the couch, you guys could say my panties were dragging. haha
Yes, 4.76 bnls NY's, 5.76 bnls Ribeyes, 1.88 bnls Sirloin chops, 2.98 petite sirloins, 1.78 bnls/skls brst, 98 drums and thighs, did 28k sunday and closer to 30k on Monday. With 4 cutters and one hell of a wrapper