How many of you have to count inventory on a holiday weekend? It seems like every other inventory falls on a holiday. New Years. Easter. Memorial Day. The Fourth. It's getting old, man. It seems like there should be an easy way to shift the accounting around for a week and give us more labor to accomplish all things they want us to do on a holiday weekend. Not to mention that all things we load up on for a holiday jacks up our closing inventory substantially.
How many of you have to count inventory on a holiday weekend? It seems like every other inventory falls on a holiday. New Years. Easter. Memorial Day. The Fourth. It's getting old, man. It seems like there should be an easy way to shift the accounting around for a week and give us more labor to accomplish all things they want us to do on a holiday weekend. Not to mention that all things we load up on for a holiday jacks up our closing inventory substantially.
I'm in the same boat Monkey! It's ridiculous! Besides the already busy holiday the administration has set our quarterly inventories at the worst possible times. It always occurs either the day before or the day after a major holiday! I get instructions to limit ovetime but then get instructions to load my crew up for holidays and the inventory! STUPID!!! Heck, I'd even like to take the holidays off to be with my family but I can't because I have to prepare for the g**damned inventory!
Right there with you on the inventory we have to start ours on Sat afternoon when we will be slamming busy and Ill be counting the same crap over again to wait on customers!! We had it lats month on Memorial day weekend also. Stupid Stupid they need to take a look at that and change somne stuff around but Im in a corporate store also...
it really makes me wonder sometimes where they get these great ideals, I think it goes back to they love to make it hard on the market because with out us they wouldn't have a store.
Up here in a national corporate store located in Ottawa, we don't do inventory! We use a rolling inventory. Works great! Have not taken stock in 9 years!
This holiday weekend, July 1st thursday was crazy busy, as we are closed Friday for Canada day. I am so glad I did not have to take stock. With everything in our data system having a gross %, and the front end sees the sales....why do you have to take stock? Every quarter, you try and keep inventory here!