How many of you have merchandise Pork Neckbones LOL
When we use to get lean meaty neckbones, I use to cut the best tips off them for lean meaty spare ribs, the meaty part of the neckbone I put out in a 4 to 6 inch cut as backbone with bones cracked every inch, the rest went into neckbones.
the store i am in now is too small for that kind of extra stuff to have a regular display area but we keep them in the freezer if someone asks for it along with pig feet and liver, every other store i worked for in the past we either cut them or ordered them case ready. he had them fresh or smoked. sometimes displayed in freezers sometimes in fresh case. i think they are still popular
what i would like to know is how many of you are still doing pig ears and how maw and stomachs ? only one store (the last one i worked in before i left Virginia) sold those.
I worked in one store that sold 10 cases of them weekdays and 30 cases each on Saturday and Sunday I also had a store that I had to have a 3rd shift cutter that did nothing but offal Neck bones, tails, ears, hocks, feet, chitterlings, beef cheeks
Had an awesome gross in both those stores thanks to that offal
Joe Parajecki
Operations Manager/ Partner
Kettle Range Meat Company, Milwaukee WI
Member Meat Cutter Hall of Fame and The Butcher's Guild