A little background info on me, I'm 32 single, and currently in the US Navy. I will be getting out in a little over A year. When I get out I am going to be moving to Oregon in order to go to school. With the housing market out there I don't want to buy a house or rent(it's crazy expensive out there for very little). SO the original plan was to buy an RV and live in that for the few years I go to school but being 6 foot 4, 250 lbs, I get the feeling that a run-of-the-mill RV is not going to be the greatest(mainly the shower). But its doable I think.
Over the last few days, though I have been really diving into the concept of a skoolie, I'm learning a lot from what I have so far but I'm still asking myself if it is truly worth it. Can I get the same quality between a 40K RV compared to Building a 40K skoolie? SO far I have just been jotting down notes on different types of buses/engines/transmissions, things t look for when buying one, where to buy them. Things like that.
Now I know that A few big things right off the bat that I would have to do would be to make sure the engine is in the best possible shape, maybe change the rear diff gear ratio, and raise the roof(6 ft 4 in Im too tall) only about 6-8 inches. I hate to ask such vague questions but I am just trying to get my bearings straight so I can go down the right path and set myself up for the future. Any and all advice you all have for me I am greatly appreciative for it. thank you all for your time.
I think a proper $40k Skoolie would be a much better outcome than a $40k sticks and staples RV. Plus you build it the way you want it, not the way they want to take it. It typically takes 2 years to work through all the warranty issues on a new RV.
Hello! Well, it really depends where you want to go to school. If you are looking for a school in Portland, I suggest you buy property here since prices here fell down by a high value this summer. Suppose you decide to go this way, I recommend you approach this financial advisor company: www.mcgeewm.com/estate-planning-portland-financial-advisor. That will help you to choose a good option for you. Remember, this also will be an investment, so you will be able to sell your property when you finish your studies. Also, you can reach me in private messages if you need any help here in Portland.