Making a bunch of hacking programs, so thought I would just put them all into one thread from now on. All of these are also available on my site.
Sega Genesis, Mega Drive, Sega CD, and 32x Game Genie Code Creator version 0.8:
Sega Genesis, Mega Drive, Sega CD, and 32x Game Genie Code Creator version 0.9 (adds Game Genie encryption):
Sega Genesis, Mega Drive, Sega CD, and 32x Game Genie Code Creator version 1.0 (adds 16-bit support for filtered searches and replacement values):
Thanks a lot but P.R.L 412 , Chicago Typewriter and some other cool weapons missed.
Also I appreciate great tools like this for RE Code Veronica PS2 and RE Outbreak PS2 too.
Also tools for Bare Knucke 3 Genesis , P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (NES) and Fighting Force 1 PS1.
Oh, cool stuff. Thank you for sharing. It seems that I've already seen a similar list on GuidedHacking, but there weren't only these platforms. Perhaps, they're repeated with yours there. Did you take them from there, or did you find it all yourself? I'm always grateful to users who take the time to share useful hacks and leaks with others in need. Some time ago, I was looking for programs to hack Sega CD. Of course, I'm not the best hacking expert because I'm a beginner. But I'm trying to study this art and a general study of several programming languages. I study JavaScript more advanced since I want to write codes for games. I dream of becoming one of the development team of good games.