I heard about this happening in tripe from hair balls, but the striploin? Any ideas?
Jayson asks;
"I purchased a few New York Strips from my local grocery store last evening. After cooking them I cut my steak open to find a portion that was very very rare. Upon further inspection there was a clump of straight black hair. I removed that bit and then noticed many stray hairs in the steak as well. I am assuming this was the cows hair but I don't know what do you think?"
I heard about this happening in tripe from hair balls, but the striploin? Any ideas?
Jayson asks;
"I purchased a few New York Strips from my local grocery store last evening. After cooking them I cut my steak open to find a portion that was very very rare. Upon further inspection there was a clump of straight black hair. I removed that bit and then noticed many stray hairs in the steak as well. I am assuming this was the cows hair but I don't know what do you think?"
In all my 45 years in the business "this is a first for me". I would like to see a photo of the strip. As Burgermeister said, finding hair inside the stomach rumen is plausible but inside of a internal muscle would be very, very rare (no pun intended).
In evaluating the habits of cattle we all know that they gobble their food swallowing it first then re-digesting it and yes, like a cat cattle groom themselves with their long and fibrous tongue. The hide is a totally different matter. The hide is thick and even an ingrown hair could not penetrate into the interior muscle such as the strip, although animals do get ingrown hair problems as well as humans; where the hair will re-penetrate the wall of a hair follicle under the skin, called pseudofollicultis.
Ingrown hair on any human or animal is known by the medical term pseudofolliculitis, which denotes a hair that grows through the wall of a hair follicle or under the skin.
All that being said, who knows, anything can happen in todays world. LOL>LOL>
I have seen guys that are skinning on the kill floor, take their knife and stick in the meat while they pull the hide. Someone may of done this and there was hair on the knife. That how it got into a primal.