Yesterday, our friend and Vice President of the Meat Cutter's Club collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. I understand that he has an A-Fib Blood Clot. It may be a few days before we hear more.
Coalcracker is one of the most active people in the Club with his numerous articles and alerts on recalled meat. Behind the scenes he also works with me in our outreach campaign, Phil has been a big part of moving that project along by handling phone calls, mailing our letters and talking to local meat cutters.
I would like to wish him a speedy recovery and let him know he is in our thoughts.
Thanks Irish Dude, you can't hold us meat cutters down. We keep coming back for more. >LOL.
Hey, thanks for the chicken posting. I never knew there were so many species. Its a funny thing about us meat people. We sell the hell out of chickens and don't really know anything about the breeds. We know about the beef breeds, but that's about it. My neighbor raises chickens and brought me a dozen of brown eggs that were laid the past few days. I am telling you I could taste the difference and the yokes were a darker yellow.