WHEN will our meat industry wake up and promote America meat cutters into this competition?? OR when will the meat cutters of America wake up and demand they promote us
I have heard this question asked many times and as long as meat cutters are fragmented this question will be asked over and over again. We sometimes forget that the problems and challenges we face are ultimately our own responsibility. We all have to realize that change comes from within not from outside sources. "Nobody is going to solve our problems for us". This is exactly why a group of individuals got together 14 years ago to create MeatcuttersClub.org.
Our Club was designed to not only be an information and learning source. It was designed also to be a "voice" in our industry, a platform to discuss topics that can or will affect our professions, for better or for worse. The fuel that drives our club is in participation, when participation is down nobody benefits. We must have a steady dialog of ideas. Finding good ideas is a little like gold-mining. In gold mining millions of tons of earth and gravel must be moved to find a very few precious stones.
A very serious post was made by Meat Monkey. The information he shared could threaten our very lively-hood. Ground beef represents anywhere from 40 to 50% of our beef tonnage at retail. Without being able to produce ground beef at store level will be the final nail in our professions coffin. We will simply be clones of Walmart where inexperienced workers simply fill meat cases.
Personally I thought we would have an uproar of post about this serious issue however its always the same few people that "voice' there opinions.
I suggest all of us on the front lines ( retail)
Should start paving our own road of importance- instead of thinking ourselves as mechanical cutters, we need to all step up to the number one reason why we are employed and who ultimately signs our paycheck THE CUSTOMER!!!!!
We need to take our own focus off how fast we can cut , how much we can cut , and our main goal. Should be "one customer at a time"
We need to be the customers GO TO professionals and advisors- we need to get them on email lists and. Call lists, we need to suggestive sell, we need our customers being our best cheerleaders
Most of retail has consolidated into huge conglomerates companies- the decision makers on whether to have cutters in the store or case ready fresh meats are from VP,s. That don't know you, never been in your store, state and may even live in another country .
Put your future job security in the trust of the customers. Sounds simple?
How many special orders do you get at Christmas??
Do you see these same customers year round?
Do they also buy an Easter ham from you or call you directly for a special ocassion??
Do you pass out business cards with your number??
Be your own best cheerleader/ salesman!!!
If your company can go case ready tomorrow and no customers would complain- then don't wonder why if or when it happens
What is your meat department known for?
What items do you have. No one else has?
Do you use emails and call lists for special deals?
Do you use social media ??
If you have a ****head in your department that has very poor customer service skills or turns away customers - get rid of them!!