I worked at a Lucky store on 8/4/2012. For that one day only. Not my main job. There was a sign near the band saw and I took a picture of it. The picture below is only about 25% of the sign. I cropped out the other stuff.
Look at all the things they aren't allowed to cut! What do you think of that? I say it sucks. Not that I really want to cut something, but that it's terrible customer service.
Well Bugermeist its the sign-of-the-times. You should no that. First of all slicing a frozen hard 20 lb. turkey on a band saw is mighty dangerous although I have done a few in my time. But most of that other stuff comes in to the stores already cut. In my time I wouldn't waste my time cutting pigs feet or turkey neck bones or anything like that, heck I get a produce clerk to do that stuff. LOL>LOL>LOL>
I went to the dentist last week for a cleaning. The hygienist told me they were sited by OSHA and had to pay a fine. Its a small dentist office. Its all about safety these days. Heck you never know where these agents will show up.
You know that some of that frozen poultry is trust together with metal trust. The frozen stuff is slippery and wet from the condensate. I think it was you that said most band-saw cuts are caused by sawing bones. Hey, as far as I'm concerned you can use the band saw for anything you want because we don't use it much to cut beef on any more. But I never cottoned to slicing smoked meat on the only band saw you have. Now in the last store I worked we had a separate band saw for cutting chickens up. I would use that saw possibly. In my stores even at Easter all full hams were cut by hand (except when we had ham portions on sale) Then we needed at poultry saw to cut those money-making center cut slices out. LOL>