Meat cutters please be careful when using the word tender to describe palatability! In this era of political correctness I wouldn't want to see any of you get into trouble. LOL>LOL>LOL>LOL>
Definitions of Tender:
Easily crushed or bruised; fragile: a tender petal.
Young and vulnerable: of tender age.
Frail; delicate.
Sensitive to frost or severe cold; not hardy:
Easily hurt; sensitive:
Painful; sore: tender
Considerate and protective; solicitous: a tender mother; his tender concern.
. Characterized by or expressing gentle emotions; loving: a tender glance; .
Given to sympathy or sentimentality; soft: a tender heart.
Nautical Likely to heel easily under sail; crank.
Law An offer to pay the amount due under a debt or obligation.
A written offer to contract goods or services at a specified cost or rate; a bid.
One who tends something: a lathe tender.
. A railroad car attached to the rear of a locomotive and designed to carry fuel and water.
Nautical A vessel attendant on other vessels, especially one that ferries supplies between ship and shore.
To offer formally: tender a letter of resignation.
Something, especially money, offered in payment
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