We wet age all of our steak meat. We have been doing it for over thiry years. It has made a huge difference. it takes some planning but it pays off over time.
All of our hamburgers are made from dry aged beef.
Is that a joke?
No sir, for the past 7 years every hamburger sold where I work was made from 100% locally raised dry aged rail beef. Unfortunately the price of hanging beef locally has sky rocketed, while box beef has remained steady. In light of these developments were are more than likely going to switch to either box/rail mixture or straight box beef. If we go box beef I am pressing for an all choice CAB program.
This is a rib as I received it last Feb 21 (about) that was killed Jan 21. I let it age another 20 days. As you can see it held up well as part of a whole carcass.