2015 is starting off very well and some large things in the works.
However always the founder, I have been removed from Rocky Mountain Institute of Meat and newly formed Primal Meat Company and only acting as consultant advisory council board member if you will for some time now. My role within Sysco has taken on an amazing and new level of meaty life of its own in so many different ways. That aside.....
The Rocky Mountain Institute of Meat, in its 5th year, has collaborated with Corner Post Meats of Monument Colorado to include a vertically integrated working farm, USDA processing and education center under the Primal Meat Company corporation and Rocky Mountain Institute of Meat Brands. Additionally the RMIM Consulting Services team has included an on staff Microbiologist working with food service operations and USDA processors alike in Colorado as well several other states since 2014. Several in the area include Hosea Rosenberg Blackbelly Market dry cure and butchery program as well Old Major's dry cure room HACCP plans as the second approved restaurant to legally prepare dry cured items inhouse in the state of Colorado to name a few.
The former Il Mondo Vecchio revival is also part of that under the PMC Corp with former production manager Olen Rice, Jason Nauert and Steven Winkler. RMIM has created the first of its kind and is under contract training the United States Military professional and ACF Accredited Practical Survival Field Butchery as well now inclusive of a slew of other offerings for the general public. Please find the US Military Authored and Approved press release from the US Army media personnel department.
More to come in the coming weeks on PMC and the former Il Mondo Vecchio rising from the ashes.