I am looking to purchase an ongoing meat business. Here are some of the criteria that I am looking for.
Location: The business must be located in the US or Canada. Preferably in or near a larger center. Not looking for anything remote.
Business Type: Looking a combination of a processing, wholesale and/or retail facility. I have a background in value added, sausage making, smoking, ham, bacon, snack stix, jerky,etc. Not interested in slaughter facilities as I have limited experience there and I would rather deal with as less inspectors. I am interested in a medium sized operation that does about 10 - 20 thousand lbs production/week. That is just a guide line. I am not interested in a small two or three person shop, on the other hand I don't have the budget for a 75 employee federal plant.
The business must be a going concern with consistent and preferably growing sales. The financials must demonstrate a strong cash flow. Ideally the business should be well positioned for growth.
Basically if you have built yourself a solid business and you are looking at selling/retiring and would like someone to pickup where you are leaving off, contact me. If you know of anyone who might be interested please pass this on as well.
If you decide to contact me, please include the following;
1) The general location of the business
2) Annual sales revenue.
3) Cash flow. Please note if the cash flow includes the owners salary.
4) A general description of the business.
5) General asking price. The actual sale price will be determined by a business appraisal.
You don't have to include an exact location or business name at this time if you would prefer to keep your sale plans confidential. I can provide you with a confidentiality agreement if I am interested and want more details.