Along with smoked jowl and greens in some Southern California neighborhoods we sold chitlins by the pallet. Either in one pound or 5 pound pails. So many in fact the palletized pails were set on the sales floor. With the right timing the entire pallet would be empty within 15 minutes. A couple of clean, never used bone barrels were always ordered for the holiday's. They were used to soak/clean busted pails or boxed frozen chitlins. Sold at a higher price they would sell out pretty quick also.
Yaaintdeadyet you took me back a lot of years lol I use to do the " soak/clean busted pails or boxed frozen chitlins. Sold at a higher price they would sell out pretty quick also. " I'm not sure but in this day that may be a violation
We have an extra guy from the grocery department that has helped us before and this week all he is to do is slice hog jowls . He sliced 50 cases so for and a pallet load waiting for him. Watching him today he kept raising up and flexing his back. Put a boneless blade on one of my band saws for him.