Anyone work or know what Whole Foods cutting test consists of? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've worked at a small butcher shop for years, but the thought of having people watch me is a little intimidating.
Don't stress about being tested. I'm sure you'll be OK, if you already have cutting experience.
Cutting skill level may not be the most important thing. There should be a reasonable minimum of course.
Skill level with customers is important.
Is this a cutting test to show if you're qualified? Or is it a test to determine how much profit they're making on a certain item?
We've talked about tests (to qualify) before, but I've never seen or heard of it in my area. Only here.
At a former workplace, we used to have to do a cutting test (to determine profit) every week. It was a PITA.
Usually a new employee has a probation period. I think it's 90 working days now. THAT is your test.
At any time during the first 90 days you can be told that you didn't pass. I've never seen someone being told to cut any one or more items while others watch "the test".
There are a lot of common sense things that some people seem to forget, or don't realize the importance of
Your test is all day every day for 90 days. If you do anything to indicate you're not what they want, you'll be informed, probably on pay day, that they can't use you. One thing that's awkward for the crew, is that often, everyone knows days before you do, that you're not gonna make it.
First thing to pass the test: Be on time. Every day. Be early and get dressed and 100% ready by your scheduled time. Even if others, including the boss are late, that won't make it OK for you to be late. Don't goof off, ever, during probation. Come ready to work (don't sharpen your knives on company time). Don't ask for breaks at bad times, such as when customers are waiting. This is especially important at Whole Foods where it's full service. Keep schedule requests to the most possible minimum. Preferably no requests. Be available all the time. Work OT and days off when asked. Do your very best to have zero customer complaints. Don't carry a cell phone with you. If you carry it, turn it off. Never look at it on your way to or back from the bathroom, the bailer, garbage, in the cooler, etc. These are a few of the things that will determine if you pass or fail probation.
The only thing i can think of is where whole foods do a cutting test is on whole chickens. Where they cut up whole chickens and weigh the legs, thighs,split breasts, wings and backs. i think its just another piece of paperwork that gets done every so often.