I finally got to visit a market in Atlanta I been wanting to go to for over four years. Shields meat market. Atlanta,Ga Oldest meat market in Atlanta. Been open for 47 years
I thought my GPS was messing with me when it told me I had arrived at my destination and all I saw was CVS
I finally called them and they told me to come to the side of CVS
Through this side door you immediately turn left and there is Sheilds Meat Market
Geoffrey K. Irwin, the owner wasn't there, the man behind the case is his second manLeonard Colby a 49 years in out Trade
Geoffrey K. Irwin, in1986, at age 23, Shields Market was Geoff’s. All of his hard work had paid off. When asked what he attributed his success to Geoff said "I was so lucky to be able to work and learn from the old school professionals of this trade.