" They make us take out the fat kernel once it reaches the size if a nickel and label them as end cuts on the large end "
in all my years in this business I've never heard of that.
my reply was, thats just weird lol I have sold these for over 40 years with no less a quarter inch trim, all inside fat left with a sign in front of them " The Butchers Choice " for 50 cents a lb more, The fat makes the steak!! never had to reduce them. I've had special orders over the phone for them 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick.
i havent seen red, tho you would think red would be available to camouflage the blood/seepage
alot of stores are using black trays/pads... my only question is- unless you have promolux bulbs, or the "right" bulbs, does all the black, create shadows that makes the meat look dark???
next time your case goes on defrost , and the red meat goes to 45-50 degrees, and condensation happens, take a good look
once a steak is cut, the clock is ticking -we are fighting bacteria and break-down to avoid a tired looking steak we may have to reduce (even tho it could be one of the best steaks in your case)
one days' shelf life makes a world of difference