Our 3 hour, hands-on class will guide you through the process from the moment the bison carcass is delivered to when it reaches the kitchen! Participates will have the opportunity to breakdown a half carcass.
You’ll then start to break it into standard and some special cut! Learn knife skills, butchering techniques and how to breakdown a carcass into tasty steaks, tenderloins, roasts and ground! You’ll feel the meat between your fingers, experience the smooth cut of the knife, smell the fresh aromas and be part of the renaissance of the local butcher.
CUT, COOK, EAT, AND CARRY HOME! WE’LL PROVIDE EVERYTHING YOU NEED: • One on One expert HANDS ON instructions on meat cutting and knife skills • Great camaraderie with other meat lovers and aspiring butchers • An amazing lunch cooked by our amazing Chef! • 4-5 pounds of fresh meat to take home (You just cut!) • A FREE RMM Baseball Cap • FREE Beer and Wine! (One we put the knives away)
Our classes always sell out so reserve your spot now – we fill up fast!Should you need a gift certificate or have any questions,please contact Janet directly at 773-904-2849.
Mark Wilhelms
Red Meat Market LLC
O 312.654.8833
C 312.515.3245mark@redmeatmarket.com