Thank you for your inquiry Mainmeatman! I'm sorry, but we do not accept PayPal at this time. We accept all major credit cards, checks or we also have payment credit/terms with many of our customers. And we do not carry that sticker you are looking for. The only sticker that comes to mind is our safe handling instruction stickers. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Bunzl Processor Division/Koch Supplies Over 130 Years of the Right People, Right Products and Right Prices.
i saw this sticker in the bakery section a few weeks ago, and thought we need to be getting this same message out on the fresh cut meats (competing against stores that have case ready)
the sticker came from hubert,,,,as you sourced, but hubert is often on the high end of pricing..
thanks for the links!!
koch supplies,,
do you sell the "teeth" of a cuber that is designed for stir-fry??
specifically for the hobart 403 cuber?
@mainemeatman- I just now saw your question. I had a family emergency which took me out of town last minute. I've forwarded your question to our MRO parts manager and will let you know what I hear back. Thank you for the inquiry.
Bunzl Processor Division/Koch Supplies Over 130 Years of the Right People, Right Products and Right Prices.
@mainmeatman- our MRO manager says this might be something we can duplicate. Please feel free to give him a call to discuss further. His name is Pat McCarty, 501-472-3052.
Bunzl Processor Division/Koch Supplies Over 130 Years of the Right People, Right Products and Right Prices.