I ask Google and Bing and neither knew so I am going with JimmyMac theory , they speak to much French north of the border for me anyway . Could be the supervisors girlfriends house number.
Also lets clarify the grades a bit. Single A is for slight marbling not *cow* when someone says Cow you instantly think of an OTM (over thirty months) *cow* having calved every year for the past 6 years (lol) in order to fall into the A's ( A AA AAA) the animal must be youthful sometimes an animal can indeed be OTM but still fall into the A's. IF however the animal has certain aging factors it then falls into the D's a *cow* would fall in the D's. There being D1 D2 D3. 13 grades in total from Prime to E.
love the Canadian beef used to buy it all the time the meat (aaa) was well better marbled than our choice. funny they told me to stop buying Canadian beef and only buy from north america, i look them down and said last time i look at a map Canada was still part of north america lol
hahahaha@only buy North American thats a gooder! I'm going to assume that was back during the BSE scare? What 2009? (or before) Also funny is the Canadian grading is modeled directly after the US grading standards pretty much to a T. Possibly the difference between Canadian beef and American beef (and please correct me if I'm wrong) But isn't American beef finished with corn feed where as Canadian beef is grain fed..