I met this young man yesterday while traveling north Georgia, He is a Food Lion Cutter, been in the meat business over 10 years. He struck my interest when he got to talking about he made his own home made sausage. He makes just about any stuffed sausage or non stuffed italian sausage, breakfast, summer sausage, brats beer brats and also smoked sausage. He also make his own bacon and country ham in a salt box like the old days. He says its may not be perfect but its good for him and its how he does things.
Growing up he was intruduced to growing his own chickens and hogs by his grandfather and father. He still raises both.
He is a big hunter, he hunts deer and turkey, which he makes most of his sausages out of, but when pig killing time comes he makes a lot of pork sausage. He makes make deer cube steaks ground with beef fat tenderlion chops and sausage and he wastes nothing.
Where a lot of people take just the breast meat of a turkey, he takes the time to bone out the thighs and drums and make a tasty turkey sausage from all parts.
He soaks the back legs of squirrel and run them through the cuber and makes a hell of country fried squirrel.I LIKE THIS MAN !!
thank you glad to be here 18 years experence i know u said over 10 close to the big 20 and yes i may be young but i know my stuff about sausage i study the art alot.
and if anyone has any questions for me email me jasonpimp35@hotmail.com dont make fun of email had since high school haha once a meat man always a meat man
Welcome to the club Jason! I had the experience of making homemade sausage for the first time this past Christmas. Lots of work, but so worth it! Good stuff! I also enjoy deer hunting as well. If you are not familiar with Bunzl Processor Division/Koch Supplies, I'd love to send you a catalog and some seasoning samples. Let me know if you're interested.
Bunzl Processor Division/Koch Supplies Over 130 Years of the Right People, Right Products and Right Prices. www.bunzlkochsupplies.com
sure would love some samples and yes ive known of bunzle ever since ive been in the biss most trays and film and soaker pads come from yall im always up for new seasonings and ways to tweek them to make them better its trial and error but i got it down pack what do u need from me to get samples email me jasonpimp35@hotmail.com lets talk
u use a digital smoker so no need for that and i use a hand thermometer on the deydrator i want the one cabelas has its awsome freind of mine has one at his deer cooler he has 2 now work great theree like 4 feet tall