Leon, we are so glad you were able to make it by our booth today to meet several of our team members! We even captured a picture of you in our booth talking with the Victorinox rep, Frank! Hope you and your wife had a nice time and have safe travels. I hear it's snowing/icing there.
I enjoyed myself while at the show, Bunzl has a lot of great people working for them. I didn't stay but a few hours and had to leave.
I got to meet Frank Curty of Victorinox, He likes the site and also very interested in being a sponsor for our Meat Competition, also met Andrew Nichols of PrimeEdge
We had a hell of time getting back lol it took us 13 hours from the Show to our front door, A hour and half drive to it before snow. I was driving around cars and trucks that was left in the middle of the road. I've always said people in Atlanta can't drive in show or rain.