How often have we all heard customers ask questions , based on falso information or agenda driven propaganda?? concerning buying meats??
It is trendy for woman to say "I dont eat red meat anymore" or meats shouldnt be eaten everyday, or "I dont want to eat anything that had a face or be killed..........
It seems everyday the meat industry takes a hit in the media-the media loves to sensationalize all things - anti- meat
here's the problem we have today- the angry vegans want to throw meat in the category of cigarrettes-every chance they get- the anti meat crowd will highlight youtube videos of how animal abuse is rampant in the industry
years ago the media had some balance,,,now its mostly agenda driven news- so their is no one defending the meat industry- or they wont give the people equal time to do so....remember pink slime?? what a crock that was...and the media ran with that because they loved jamie oliver.
most of us have flyers out every week, how often do we promote the healthy benefits of eating meat?? how often do we place signage around the meatcases?? WHAT ARE WE DOING TO PROMOTE FRESH MEATS???
Fresh meats are part of a healthy diet,,,,but where do you hear that?? many diets will start on new years day- and many diets may be based on high lean protein and low carbs- we can promote these diets- its not just the atkins diet...but you can find alot online where meat is part of a healthy diet
meats are great for vitamins and minerals for an aging society-
as an industry- and we deal with the consumers,,,we should be touting and promoting this at retail.. otherwise, the people that dont eat meat are framing the arguement, as to NOT eat meat.
2014 should be a year to define yourself in the competitive marketplace- are you going to lead the charge ?? or "just see what happens" ???? and lose more market share??
and... we are all under one tent, we welcome all,,,but if one faction of the meat industry starts throwing rocks at another faction,,,,,this hurts all of us- if a local grass fed beef farm, starts shytting all over any other type of meat,,,they are doing the bidding of the anti-meat crowd....we've got to be very careful with public opinion!!!
People ask me all the time, do I prefer Grass Fed over Corn Fed, my reply is I'm an advocatefor all beef that gives a meat cutter a job. But I do prefer Corn fed over Grass as I love fat on my meat.
When folks start talking grass fed and corn fed, I'll start talking haylage and silage, and how beef really don't eat grass nor corn all that well. This is when barley begins entering the discussion and throw them off with Thomas' English muffins, the taste of butter and why folks like the taste of chuck.
I saw this thread and wanted to share what we are doing to help improve the image of meat. Social media has become increasingly popular for business promotion, and I'm not sure how many of you are promoting your business through social channels such as Facebook or Pinterest, (if you're not, I recommend you start), but the more of us that get the "meat is part of a healthy diet" message out into the world, the better for all of us. As a company, we are re-posting articles promoting the meat industry and have created boards on Pinterest that are meat specific. One of our boards is focused on infographics or diagrams/charts that are meat specific and all these things, once shared by others or re-pinned (Pinterest term), help spread the meat story! I invite all of you to check out our Pinterest boards, specifically the "meat lovers", "bacon lovers", "Infographics", "Hunting/Game Season" and "Fun Food Facts". If you have a Pinterest presence, please follow us and re-pin some of our pins to help spread the word about meat being healthy. If you don't have a Pinterest presence, you might consider that social media option. Pinterest is currently the fastest growing social network, so having a presence there can help market your business and spread the "meat is healthy" message. The biggest challenge with this is time and resources. It does take time to manage these sites and keep content fresh, but hopefully the outcome will outweigh the time investment on the benefit to your business. Hope this message helps some of you. Here are a few links to some of our Pinterest boards/graphics that might help you get a better idea of what I've referred to here. They might give you some ideas on what you could do to promote your business in this arena: