Getting into that myself too. My state is looking for a HACCP plan from me for these type products. Just started making a cured uncooked shelf stable coppa & lonza.
Arnie, are you required to have a HACCP plan for your products?
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.
For most part Dry Cure WHole Muscle HACCP should cover all types hams or coppas or pancetta and lomo etc.
5% salt (before all spices)
We used the longisimus dorsi out of the boston butt. Every 1000lbs bnls butt yields about 250lb avg "pork chuck eye" for coppa 750lb for sausage fresh or dry
Roll in salt/spice blend
stuff into bung 5" plus
stuff into netting 6 to a strand leaving room in between each piece
18 days min 35 - 40 degrees (per usda coppa regs)
hang strands 55F 75rH upwards of 3 months easy
dry to below .88 aw