""Not all employees who received a WARN notice will actually be laid off," Massingill said. "Our intention is for as many employees as possible to be hired by the companies that purchase our stores.""
I hope your store remains open under new owners and that no one loses their job or has a pay cut.
Kar, send out some resume's to all places-even if they have no positions open,,,you know how things work, sometimes ,,,job openings never get advertized, but at the same time, if your resume gets to the right people, you might get calls from these companies
i wish you luck, when one door closes, hopefully, another one opens,,
2 years ago, after 17 yrs working for one employer- the place closed down- we didnt have a clue- lots of politics involved
so here i was in my late 40,s a swift kick to the head, unemployed,
i only worked in two companies, in almost 30yrs, so , i made a short list where i WANTED to work and what job, I called the contacts ive met thru the years and within a week i was employed again in a similar job, with a larger company
so it can and does happen- getting another job,,,,and dont sell yourself short, send out to different jobs,,, look into companies looking for a regional saleman, on retail and foodservice
at that time, one of the employers i applied for was sysco, and their vp wanted to meet with me to break in more sales at retail-not just restaurants- and being a meatcutter, i knew the product as well, if not better than many existing salesman
that job looked promising, but the job i really wanted,,, was taking shape
well no one yet has they keep turning down offers !!
and Mariono's said on the news yesterday that they are not !!
taking any of the Dominicks stores
and that was one of the rumors !!
i am now looking to close so if we dont sell then im not let down to hard