I believe , YOUR Strong point is that Ya`ll are "Chef`s"... !
Most meat cutters will have the basic`s as too cooking - but not recipes and so-on.
IF I could give Ya`ll a Free Suggestion.. On Fighting that first lost issue. Cause You cannt have a good market, "IF" Your not fresh and in starting out... Hook up with Local Restaurants.. I saw product in Cry-vac.. GOOD that you got that, so.. USE it and sell before Age.
Get yourself a steady contract to keep product moving.. A Beef steak can hold will in Cry-vac, even Hamburger.
Most meat Manager , will get into not able to take the "RIGHT First lost".. BEing in their thoughts, You just cannt trash product border line... (Having good inventor skills is first and foremost here) Knowing what your going to sell tomorrow...!
Worst mistake in having EVEN one item in case that doesnt have eye appeal. Will kill sells and or turn customer away for coming back in... Second or FIRST,, Have your smell- Sense`s always going.. I have learned many tricks in-order to do this without product lost or too many freebees...
ADD, and I laugh on this one... IF you or any here, do or seen..
Having border line product.. I had so many managers,, Do or say,, When confronted on Trashing old product.. VS just throwing it out. "Well" We Sample it out- cook it off then use it a samples..