I have a weird question. I have noticed that when I started wearing a metal mesh glove I have what feels like slivers on my glove hand. Could the mesh glove be the cause of this. If so does anyone know how to prevent this from happening. Sometimes these little slivers develop a small infection which I treat with salt water and a antibiotic cream. HELP PLEASE
I personally don't have this problem with my mesh glove but I know people who do. I recommend wearing a poly or latex glove under your mesh glove. I am not sure why they have a problem. One of them thinks he is allergic to the metal. I suspect that some gloves are made differently than others. Maybe some people have more sensitive skin.
I have never noticed that, i don't wear anything under the steel glove but alot of lads i have worked with would wear a cotton glove or a latex glove. it can be a bit more comfortable when you are using the steel glove.
How long have you had this glove? Is it more like dry cracked skin or little cuts? I've never really had too many problems with my glove, the main problem that I used to have is when my finger nails are too short my finger tips feel irritated. Do you put oil on your glove overnight? It helps when it comes to cleaning it, and it preserves the quality of the glove.
most people I know where a cotton glove under their mesh glove I wear a Kevlar Glove No metal,wears like a cotton glove it has an anti microbial chemical weaved into it Just rinse it and hang it to dry at the end of my shift Love it
Joe Parajecki
Operations Manager/ Partner
Kettle Range Meat Company, Milwaukee WI
Member Meat Cutter Hall of Fame and The Butcher's Guild