Producing Meat for Local Markets A workshop for new and aspiring local meat producers covering the basics of production, marketing and regulations.
Friday, April 12th 8:30am-3pm Forsyth County Ag Building 1450 Fairchild Road Winston, Salem, NC
Topics include: Meat Product Labeling Meat Handler Registration and Compliance Intro to Pasture Based Production Systems Live Animal Grading and Finishing Local Meat Marketing: An Overview of Options
Including: Perspectives on Local Meat: with Johnny and Sharon Rogers, Rogers Cattle Company and Jay Pierce, Lucky 32 Restaurant NC Choices is a program of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems' (CEFS) that advances local and niche meat supply chains in North Carolina by providing networking opportunities, educational programming and technical assistance for producers, meat processors, buyers and food professionals. CEFS is a partnership of NC State University, NC A&T State University and the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.