Hi Big Phil, welcome to the site. I think we know many people eat horse, some depend on it more than others. I never have eaten it but not saying I might not try a taste lol During world war 2 the people of the UKeat it when other meats were scarce, such as during times of waras was whale meat. So it's nothing new really, BUT I think the biggest part of thescandal is that it wasn't label and they have the same problem that we had with the pink slime scandal.
Yeh That seems to be the public opinion over here no one seems too bothered they have eaten horse but i think is the labeling issue. but in some good news my friends traditional butcher shop trade is booming which is nice because he has had a few lean years people seem to be going back to local food again I think this is good as we live in an area what produces some of the finest beef and lamb in wales. I doubt this is the end of the dominance of the supermarket over here but as my friend said make the best of it while he can.