I want to tell every one here, Happy New Years. And that in the coming year I hope we all have better days than in 2012. I want to especially thank all the meat cutters and meat industry people I have come in contact with since Leon started the Meatcuttersclub. When he started it over 10 years ago we never thought it would grow to be as big as it has become. From 5 members in two states this Club has grown to 700 members on the message board and 117 members listed in the old site. From two states it now covers 44 countries. Now in 2013 I wonder how many more members and countries will join us. I have met many meat cutters through the site, man and ladies I now call my friends. I have enjoyed our friendship and hope to meet more that will join my list of friends here. While I'm not a meat cutter by trade Leon has taught me much about the trade in some stores he has worked at and this lady can cut a little meat lol
While I'm not on the message board very often, I do read a lot of it. In 2013 I will be here more as Leon needs a little help since it has grown so big, besides we all know behind a good man is a good woman lol Any one can't reach him, send me a e-mail:janice_meatcuttersclub@hotmail.comI'll make sure he gets your message
Thank each and every one of you for making this a great site for meat cutters and meat industry people