Could you Rock & Roll with them, watch it all the way through
International Young Butchers' Competition2012
Each year this Competitionfor young butchers organised by one of the members of the International butchers' Confederation (IBC). This year in addition to the Dutch team the landenteams of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, the UK and Greece.
The competition is organised by the International Butcher Confederation and the NFMFT has been supported with sponsorship from EBLEX, BPEX, Meat Training Council, Worshipful Company of Butchers, RAPS, Gesame, Weddel Swift and Leeds City College.
“Without such help the Federation would never be able to demonstrate its commitment to the young people involved and the future for the craft trade!”
This is exactly what many of us should be displaying,,,having the time to do this elegant eye appealing items,,,if the products look this good, even the cheap bastards (like myself) will try them.
but instead, the industry is going the other way -prepack basics, cutting payroll-thats why I keep saying,,,,the butcher shops, should be making a comeback,,,but you've got to be different (like this) and offer eye appealing specialty items
NIce video, different than the Butchers contest with whole food,, the only thing is that Americans don't eat this style of european charcuteris. its interesting more for chefs style,, Alan
This was interesting, Leon. I've always felt we should be emphasizing ready-to-cook items. Much of the stuff we cut, I have no idea how people could actually cook it and carve it.
I totally agree with Jim. This was more of a chef competition that included boning a hind quarter of beef. If a butcher trimmed a hind quarter that lean he would be fired