And Thanks Cowboy for keeping this thing going everyday. I went 25 years in the business without this site and I am so glad everyday since that I found this and all of you (esp Cowboy) This has been a blessing
btw that certificate above is proudly displayed right next to my Butcher's Guild Seal in the window of my shop
Joe Parajecki
Operations Manager/ Partner
Kettle Range Meat Company, Milwaukee WI
Member Meat Cutter Hall of Fame and The Butcher's Guild
its a great site and i bet quite a bit of work is done to maintain it. I know it has sure helped me as I discover this new chapter in my life. Thanks to you all
It has the same specifications But not the same degree We have the same bank account But are not the same We have the same fridge But rarely the same meals It was the same voice But never the same debates We have the same boxes It was not the same models There are those who shake tuna There are those who shake top models We do not have the same talents But we have the same dreams Always the same clubs Arising at the same lips We have the same guns, the same man was reums When potos leave a little early Seum was the same We have the same love When we meet the same sisters It has the same hatred To inspectors Yeah honor south east west north We are all the same, we are all gold We walk all the **** The same with or without shoes Lyrics of Building F