Does your company bless you with the name associate????
v. as·so·ci·at·ed, as·so·ci·at·ing, as·so·ci·ates
1. To join as a partner
2. To connect or join together; combine.
3. To connect in the mind or imagination: "I always somehow associate Chatterton with autumn"(John Keats).
1. To join in or form a league, union, or association. See Synonyms at join.
2. To spend time socially; keep company: associates with her coworkers on weekends.
n.(-t, -t)
1. A person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business; a partner or colleague.
2. A companion; a comrade.
3. One that habitually accompanies or is associated with another; an attendant circumstance.
4. A member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges.
5. often Associate An associate's degree.
adj.(-t, -t)
1. Joined with another or others and having equal or nearly equal status: an associate editor.
2. Having partial status or privileges: an associate member of the club.
3. Following or accompanying; concomitant.
I had a store manager once refer to me as a associate, I told him I was a employee of the company not a associate, to me a associate shares in the money and I damn sure wasn't sharing in it, All I shared in was the work and catching the BS from the all knowing " GODS " lol He hardly ever talk to me after that, Just made my day lol
I never liked that term either thats what they call employees in places like walmart. I think its an attempt to make the employee feel important. I think its just silly and doesn't fit. For example all employees who are not management are associates. Thier actual job duties are not made clear in the title. so far noone has refered to me as an associate and i would like to keep it that way.
I never liked that term either thats what they call employees in places like walmart. I think its an attempt to make the employee feel important. I think its just silly and doesn't fit. For example all employees who are not management are associates. Thier actual job duties are not made clear in the title. so far noone has refered to me as an associate and i would like to keep it that way.
I agree.
Another term I dislike is "guest" instead of customer.
Another term I dislike is "guest" instead of customer.
Again I believe that is a term over used by stores like walmart in attempt to make their customers feel cherished. But most customers aren't fooled. They know are not really "guests" they are just "f***ing customers!!"
Another term I dislike is "guest" instead of customer.
Again I believe that is a term over used by stores like walmart in attempt to make their customers feel cherished. But most customers aren't fooled. They know are not really "guests" they are just "f***ing customers!!"
LOL. I was going to say that, but decided not to. You got more guts than me.
In the early and mid 1980's, the store manager where I worked thought it was funny to tell certain employees that they are his "pal". But then he'd explain that it's actually PAL. An acronym for personal ass licker.
Any store manager who said that today would be fired yesterday. That was a different time. I actually prefer that to associate. It's more honest.
Good customer service skills, is common semse... or is it??
I think companies do an overkill, because many employees, haven't work in a service industry before- where you have to kiss the customers ass, but also be pleasant. most employees in a store are part timers and they usually dont have the commitment level the full-timers have -so many of the policies are aimed at them.....again,,probly an overkill
The chain store I worked for had a mirror in the break room, that said "You represent our whole company when dealing with a customer"
amd that is true- no matter how great a meat department may be...if you have a bunch of lousy cashiers that turn away customers...that hurts all of us..or if you have a rude produce, deli or grocery clerk offend a customer.
" you represent our whole company when dealing with a customer "
Mainemeatman this is so true, I have always tried to keep in my mind when dealing with customers that it is my business and I want to keep the customers. I think also one of our weak points is our cashiers that seem so uninterested about checking out a customer and that it's not nice of them that they are in their line bothering them. I think all depts could use a little customer service schooling from time to time but especially the cashiers and I see this in all types of stores not just our grocery stores.
Opps, by the way Burgermeister, how many store managers have we all worked for that thought we all are a PAL, an acronym for personal ass licker, Myself I dislike the word Associate too, I think they came up with this one to pacify the young kids to make them think they are special so they can get a little work out of them.