The Rocky Mountain Institute of Meat Professional Program accepting fall 2012 registration: Colorado Certificate Accredited American Culinary Federation Accredited for 64 Continuing Education/Certification Points. Contact information and dates/times posted on the RMIM website:!__classes Fall 2012 Applies to Colorado or individuals close by due to being spread out over 2 months of Monday nights.
If interested in hosting an Full 8 day, ACF 64 Credit/Certification or non-accredited programming
Mark M. DeNittis, RMIM Founder/Educator is also in process of getting the 8 day program to have each day individually accredited/certified with the American Culinary Federation so as to allow for single or multiple accredited days, allowing the professional series to be hosted across the nation.
You look good in the cooler, Hope all is going well, I just returned from medditerrean crusies. I went to Venice and Bari Italy, Bari was really good, nice clean and met a butcher who does horses. Chef Nograd always said that horse meat was the best, very strong meat.
Chef Marks course is towards the chefs side of meatcutting. Presently meatcutting is more than just slaughtering. Cutting meat for retail and cutting meat for foodservice are very different. In the words of our mentor, Chef Nograd
"retail is selling meat by the pound and restaurant cutting is by the piece"
anyone can work in a slaughter house, cut room but it takes alot of talent to work in the retail cases of high end properties like Dean and Deluca or Usingers in wisconsin. I have worked so manhy places from wholesale to retail and now teaching meatcutting.