I don't use lists anymore. I like to just look at the case and say I need 3 chuck roast, 6 chuck steaks, lets get 3 single chuch eye steaks out of that. I ll say I need that and then I need 5 sirloin tip steaks and 1 sirloin tip roast get a little stir fry out of what is left i ll cut all that then wrap it and take it out and see what is next . I always start with the biggest holes first or the product that is likely to run out of in the next hour. I tend to look at just the beef firs then get all that beef holes filled before looking at the pork and doing the same. then when all holes are filled nicely i start working on what i want backed up. i don 't back up JUST ANYTHINg. i back up what i am likely going to run out of in the evening. I try to cut conservativly I cut what i need and what I am thinking i will likely need later . I get really flustered when i come back from my days off and find the chuck roast spot stuffed in the case and then 8 more in the cooler. That makes me want to strangle someone. I don't know about everyone else but chuck roast does not sell that well over here. Its basically just an example of a lazy jerk cutting chuck rolls all day because its easy and he can look like he is doing something contructive while doing it.
If I had to make a list for this guy i would write 1. Do not cut anything today. 2. do not cut anything at all i don't care how tempted you are. and so on.
Now in the past from my experience the meat manager would right cutting and sanitary lists for the people he did not like. Basically he would just make something rediculously long and unneccessary so he can get the guy so fed up that he would quit.
I work for a tiny store briefly while in virgina and the meat manager there liked to write cutting lists. I couldn't understand why the case was soooo small and i considered him to be an experienced and talented cutter. He explained to me one time that he doesn't need to write a list he just likes to because it helps him keep track of everything. I guess different minds just work different ways. Some of us are better at staying organized and keeping track of things with just our heads others have trouble there.
-- Edited by fdarn on Sunday 6th of May 2012 03:58:57 PM
Some lists are good and needed. Some are stupid and offensive.
Each shop is different. Each situation in each shop is different. Who's working that day? A new person? A flake? Who's writing the list? Some doofus? Does the list include things you need and are nearly out of, or is it junk for the next day (while forgetting about what you need now)? Is it possible to finish the list? what if you don't?
Some stores have mandatory lists. No matter what, manager or asst-manager must write a list for the night person.
I was in a situation where I came in every day at 5 AM and had the counter pulled and was doing the reworks or finished with them. I already have 6 wheeler full of the things I'm going to cut. Then the 2nd man (who was still an apprentice, not that it makes a difference) comes in at 6:05 (5 minutes late). He walks the case for 15 minutes and writes a list. WTF for? That's 15 minutes of wasted time.
I had one manager who'd write a tough to finish list, which I could usually complete. BUT: at the bottom of the list were a few rows of question marks. Like I better cut more stuff too. Like his list is to small. Like he thinks I don't know how to stay busy. Now that's offensive (the question marks)
I do like a list when I work single days off at other stores, I'm there for the day only and it's helpful.
So what do you think?: Do you write them? Is it required? Do you have no faith in your help?
My biggest pet peeve is the guy that walks out to look at the case every 2 min...so I think if u can't remember wit u need list is good.... Personally I can look at the case and rembrr wit I need so I don't use a list
love cutting lists. manager writes them and I go to town on them. In fact when I first started I couldn't read his writing and he wrote them on little papers and taped them by the saw. So I designed a full 8.5 x 11 list on computer printed a bunch off and all he has to do is fill in the blanks with numbers. I put them on a clipboard so I can take it in cooler and load up cart. I don't have the memory I had when I was younger so this works well no wasted time with 20 trips out to look at the case lol! I'll usually take a look after clean up fill any holes with backstock and call it a day. We have a productive routine that works well for us.
dont use them...i look at the case 1st thing in the morning, and go from there I have a good memory and can use that to know what i need ot cut...i only go out to check if anyting else when i am through cutting what I know already needs done.....depending on the day like a saturday, the list is simple 1 of everytrhing...and extra sale items....
In 1981 I left an independent chain as a meat mgr to go to Pathmark as a cutter, due to a better contract and $1/hr higher wages. As low man I was often put on the night shift, 10 PM to 8:30 AM. 10-12 was over time and midnight to 8:30 was an extra $2.50/hour. Night shift was the toughest job in the dept. I had an idiot meat mgr who did not understand the costs of over cutting and he would give impossible lists like 15 boxes of pork loins, 2 calves, 2 lamb, 4 loins of beef, 6 chucks, and 6 rounds, 4 ribs, plus the morning grind. If you did not produce 20 high boys of retail cuts you got seriously beat up in the morning. Very stressful! I once had company security come in on me at 3 am because our shrink was so bad. They told me they suspected I was throwing things out. I told them I was an open book so check everything they wanted, but take a look at the case which was loaded to over the load level, including $600 worth of ground beef that by policy had to be thrown out by 8 am. It was like this every night which was why, I told them, that this dept led the division in shrink. They agreed.
Once I was a meat mgr for this company, my lists were much smaller, with more attention paid to the case. During the day my 2nd man would line up production for the cutters and the evening and night cutter were to focus on maintining the case, producing sale items, doing sanitation, and less perishable items like white meat. This worked for me as I was consistently in the top 5 stores of this 150 store chain.
Lists can be good or bad, depending on who writes them,
Lists are a must in a high volume store for many reasons first, when someone comes on a shift, they should hit the ground running,, if I told a clerk to check the poultry section, he/she may wander for 10 minutes, then do what he/she wants to do, not whats needed, lists are very helpful, they give clarity, a start and a finish.
Most people remember half of what you say, but if you have a list, ...much more accountability is there-it's fair for both the manager and employee
I have many list forms, my fav is the priority one, fill the sale items, then cover the holes/variety also have an estimated time Ive had many cutters be " commodity" minded,,,,,they want to do all chicken, then pork and then beef, and I understand it, but the case dictates productivity- a written list also expresses your expectations, and helps train others, so you are more comfortable when you arent there. Lists are one of the best training tools you can have.
when I worked for a chain, everything was about productivity, and lists were a big part of it- I kinda liked lists, and asked to have an estimated time of completion done, which they would,,,,,it was a challenge to beat the time- time flew by!!!!
I make a list everyday. It helps keep the guys staying busy. I will make 2 or 3 list a day if I have too. And I always leave a night list for the clerks. Holds them acountable.
I use lists everyday. With the gross that we're supposed to hit (32.1/4%) we just about have to keep it tight and as accurate as possible. We have even used movement from similar days to determine our cutting list. It's not an exact science, but it has curbed our losses just a bit. I'm
not too manly to admit that my memory isn't sufficient enough to memorize every detail. So yes, lists are a great tool for when I'm by myself, or when I need to leave someone on their own. Unless its getting close to food stamp time...then the list goes out the window, and EVERYTHING gets thrown on the six-wheeler to cut!
I cull the counter every morning and make a list of what is needed to start the morning.Then as cutters come in I make a list for the morning,then the wrappers let us know what we need as the day goes on, we don't need to be going on the counter every 5 min.When I work late I have a list for the guys made up at night to get what they need in the morning.Works for us.
It's not an issue now, but maybe 10 years ago, the cutting list was a real problem once in a while in one certain store I used to work in. I mean for the night person. Someone would write the cutting list on or before your lunch hour. When you return from lunch, he goes home and you're alone for the rest of the night working on a list that's not well thought out. One problem is the person who writes the list doesn't know what you're gonna run out of and he guesses incorrectly. You run out of ad items, you run out of grind and none of that's on the list.
I dislike when the list becomes the most important thing. If you don't finish it, there's gonna be trouble. It can affect customer service. It can affect sales. Maybe you should face and/or fill the wall deli, but not if it will mean not finishing the list.
Another aspect of lists was that, if the store mgr wanted the cutter to do something that was not on his list, the store mgr had to write it on his list and sign his name. Often they would not do that and face the wrath of the Meat Mgr the next day, and thus it did not happen. Once I was a Meat Mgr I covered that possibility by making number 1 on the list "Take care of case as needed" . That probably did hurt pure production but it made the evening and over night cutter more responsive to the needs of the business and more responsive to the store manager.
Our chain has a program that takes into account the past 2 weeks sales of all items. We program our minimum pkgs that we want on the wall and the program figures out the rest. If we have 0 top sirloin steaks on the wall and I want 3 top sirloin steaks on the wall at all times, past two weeks sales of top sirloin steaks has been 8 on a monday ( and its Monday) we need to cut 11 top sirloin steaks right now. Print another list in the afternoon and it does it all again. Needless to say if the cutters do not manage the labels.....conversions, bad labels, shrink , then the list is not worth the paper its printed on. But the old manager did not enforce the list and his GP was 8%. I strongly encourage the cutters to look at the list and use their brains to adjust and fine tune the list. Weather, sales items, holidays are not accounted for in the list, and my cutters have a brain . GP is up to 22%. The list helps when cutters go a little crazy cutting items they think they will sell this way I can help them make better decisions.
Lists are good for new cutters, and prioritizing to do item's and special order's, however I just think that over time your staff should know the fresh case like the back of their hand and a cut list takes time away from cutting. As the weekly promotion's change you let your staff know what you want and don't want based on what is selling. I guess it all depend's how big of a department you have and how many staff.
Sometime's the time it takes to make a list is time that could be spent doing the task
The hardest thing to teach people seems to be that you don't have to cut a steak or roast and leave it sit for 3 days in the counter, make something else out of it (marinade, season, stuffing) our fresh chicken is supposed to get a 6 day shelf life but the legs back attached warehouse pack never last, so we pull them, cut into drums/thighs and do a marinade or breading with bbq seasoning, better margin and reduced shrink. I know my staff respond better to me asking them face to face "this needs to get done today" rather than leaving a list and the result is them being more productive.
I've done it with, I've done it without. However, in the markets I worked in, they were 'heat lamp' markets with corporates coming in at any time. For my protection, I had to fill out a cutting list 3 times per day; date and time them and save them for 7 days on a rotating basis. Whether I ever followed them didn't matter, you had to have the paperwork to prove it or else they would fire you. Union shop, fireable offense, alteration or non-compliance with company records. After 7 days they were filed and kept for a year; the supervisor routinely checked them for compliance. Same with cutting tests and inventory sheets, naturally. Cutting the meat and maintaining a good department was the easy part; it was the politics that was hard.
The real secret to a good department was the wrapper's eyes; he or she managed the case and would constantly notify you of minute-by-minute updates: "Got 8 BP's of chx left" or "Put up chicken livers and gizzards" or "Need chuck eye steaks" etc etc. They were your cutting list!
-- Edited by Pops6927 on Tuesday 8th of May 2012 04:28:15 PM
Lists should just be a guideline. Alter it if you must, but at least it gives you an idea of what's needed without having to check the counter every five minutes. The meat wrapper's experience is a grand thing to have around to help you when things differ from your list. Again...it's only a guideline where I work. Totally malleable.
I make my first list to spot ad items, holes, then my meat wrapper takes over in telling me what I need, I hardly ever go out front after 8 in the morning unless it's for customer service
Sounds like your employer was very similar to mine. We too had to save all records, logs, checklists, etc and the Meat Product Manager would audit them when he visited. WE also had to maintain a "Variety Check list". It listed every required retail cut and had 3 time periods a day when we had to go out and inventory the case, and check that the quantity in the case was in the "min/max" on the checklist for that item. What a PITA! Of course we too faked them whenever possible and pre-created these for each and every day of the week and each and every time of day (morning/afternoon/evening). OUr time could have been better spent but for us too, union shop, failure to comply could lead to termination so we complied, in our way!
Once we went to chill pack chicken, re-working it was forbidden and it meant instant termination. We specified a 6 day code on our Holly Farms chill pack even though our main competitor specified 12 days on the same Holly Farms product. The goal was to provide the freshest possible product to the customer. WE had to reduce it prior to expiration and throw it out once it expired even though it had several days life left in it. If our Meat Product Mgr, Sanitarian, or QC inspector paid a visit and found poultry out of a chill pack and store packaged that meant termination for the Meat Mgr or whomever was in charge of the department at the time it was discovered,
We have cutting lists uploaded on the store's computer from the main office that our manager prints out (a week's worth). On them are, 3 cuttings per day, like days movements, check boxes for Country Of Origin.
We used to do one in the morning, just as a rough guide for the day. Now we have to do all three. Each item has slots for total needed, what is in the case, what is stored in the cooler that is already cut, total for cooler and case, and what is needed to be cut.
On the "like days" movement list we scan the bar code printed next to the item, and write down the number. Don't know why we do this. Manager never looks at it.
Once a day we have to scan each item on the list and write down the previous three days sales.
Matter of fact, the ONLY time anyone ever even sees the list is when the area honcho comes in and checks our key retailing, then if anything is missing, we get reamed.
Some chains are set up so they know exactly what you have ordered, what you have sold ,(from product and sales) and what you should have on hand-technology is unbelievable- some chains(meat managers/cutters) have to scan the reduce stickers too-so again, all the info gets fed into a computer.
Some policies seem like an overkill, but chains see massive numbers, and 1%,3% of sales/shrink loss is a huge number company-wide, so many centralized vp's are making policies
Safeway stores (I work there about 10 days per year) have mandatory cutting lists. That's great for me since I'm there for the day only. I'd realy hate it if I had to write it.
Does grocery have a work list? Can they see that they need Campbells Bean With Bacon soup and Scott paper towels on the shelf? Does someone need to write it down? What's the difference?
this is how it was done at our store too. manager makes list,we work the list and then double check for holes or hot items that might need more than the list called for. it worked well and kept eveyone on the same page