Beef Products Inc. today suspended operations at three of its locations: Garden City, Kans.; Amarillo, Texas; and Waterloo, Iowa, affecting 650 jobs. A fourth plant, in South Sioux City, Neb., will continue to operate. “In an effort to protect our company and its family of employees from the recent unfounded and misguided attacks on our boneless lean beef trimmings, we have had to make some unfortunate and very difficult business decisions,” CEO Eldon Roth said in a statement. Although the plants are shut down for an undetermined amount of time, for now employees will continue to be paid “full salaries and benefits to all employees as we work through the immediate impact of today's announcement.” “Although we are immediately ceasing operation, our intention is to continue to pay people in the interim while trying to sort this through,” BPI spokesman Rich Jochum he told Meatingplace. “We’re announcing it as a temporary suspension, although the employees will be getting [layoff] notices.” The shutdown affects 236 employees in Garden City, 207 in Amarillo, and 216 in Waterloo, Jochum said. “This has a direct impact on about 650 jobs; the indirect impact is much larger,” Jochum said. The facility in South Sioux City, Neb., which employs 450, remains in operation. Industry reacts “At a time when so many Americans struggle to put a healthy, nutritious meal on their family’s dinner table, the unfounded mischaracterization of Lean Finely Textured Beef as ‘pink slime’ is unconscionable,” said Barry Carpenter, CEO of the National Meat Association, in a statement. “I am sure the public is not aware of how widespread and potentially devastating the consequences of allowing public misperception to trump sound nutritional science are.” Carpenter warned that beyond BPI, the ripple effect could impact more than 3,000 suppliers and others that rely on BPI’s business. He also noted without this source of lean beef product, grinders will likely have to import more beef to make lean ground beef products. Said the American Meat Institute's J. Patrick Boyle, "In the end, today’s developments are a sad day for the families ... . Other American families will also pay the price at the checkout counter as they see the price of ground beef begin to rise while we work to grow as many as 1.5 million more head of cattle to replace the beef that will no longer be consumed due to this manufactured scare.”
The whole "pink slime" thing has gone radioactive. I'm still getting 5-12 questions/phone calls everyday. Though not a fan of central-processed ground beef, it's amazing how one news report can create mass hysteria.
i am getting questions about it too. it always starts out like "do you grind your hamburger yourself?" I say yes we do. I grind it fresh several times a day. then they go on about how they saw this report on tv I say "you don't have to worry about that here" sometimes they don't seem to believe me though. The media can really blow things out of proportion. You might remember when Oprah said she would never eat another hamburger in the wake of the mad cow scare. *sigh* These people have got to learn to think before they speak they can be single handily responsible for the lose of lots of jobs. Didn't Oprah get sued for that comment? I can't remember if she lost that battle or won it.
WOW I hadn't seen the video before now ... just knew all the facts - did he really just dump AMMONIA on that and tell people that our industry does that? Seriously? Why do they let some people on TV ...
I had a call from a reporter yesterday wanting to talk about lean finely textured beef. The first thing I said was "thank you for using the correct name and not that offensive one the media is using." She said really ? Are you really offended by the term pink slime? I really wanted to ask her if she would be offended if I called her a c....t. But I did not and instead told her as a meat professional I am very offended by that term even though I have never used the product. It is all of our jobs to educate our consumers about our industry and not bad mouth our competitors or their products. Our club members are of the right mindset here sharing with each other, educating ourselves and improving our business as a result. We don't have to like every meat product out there, but in a world in need of affordable protein we cannot turn on a product that has been deemed safe, in use for nearly 20 years with no food born illnesses.
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.