The Meat Cutter's Club has teamed up with Amazon and has created an online store for our members and visitors. Currently we are putting together catagories containing knives and sharpeners and just about anything we can think of that meat cutters might need. We are trying to keep them in easy to navigate sections. The best part is most of these items will ship within 24 hours. Some even offer options of free shipping of purchases over 25.00. Keep in mind when ever you purchase something from the Butcher's Depot a small percentage of that sale goes to meat cutters club and helps us stay in operation and add new features to our site and message boards. We appreciate any help you can give us.
if you would like to check out the Butcher's Depot click the link below
Times are getting hard with sales for some of us. With the recent gas price hikes the cost of meat has been going up even higher as well. Sales seem to be falling short of company expectations. Times like these are what The Meat Cutter's Club is all about. These are the times when we all need to come together and discuss ideas for keeping our meat departments successful. Lets stay active on the message board and share our experiences and ideas. It brings hope to those of us who are feeling a little discouraged lately. Book mark the message board and visit any time.
As always we are looking for new ways to make our site more user friendly. If you have any ideas or comments please visit and fill out the small contact form the left side. We are very interested in hearing your thoughts.