If it were me, I'd take this as an opportunity to make some friends, bring them in and move them out-
depends on how much you are bringing in, and also the date on the box, bone in product turns much quicker than bnls-usually push prices like that has some age on it-and be cautious buying from sysco or other restaurant purveyors, - restaurants have it made with "aged" product-the patron doesnt see the product before its cooked, but at retail, if its distressed in appearance, many customers wont touch it-tenderloin is soft muscle tissue, and turns quick, what is "good" for a restaurant, may not be sellable at retail Ive seen many foodservice companies, push items like this.
If it's not a normal item, i'd move it out quick- even for 12-14.99lb-thats still a higher margin than most items
if the product is in great shape- then yes, I'd go for 19.99lb
I'd do it for sure. But I think you're gonna have to up your retail price. If they're anything like BI pork stub tenders, there can generally be an awful lot of bone left on the end. Are they fully bone in? That is, feather, finger and pin/wedge attached? If you don't mind my asking, where are you getting them out of? You don't often run across BI butt tenders. I bet they dry age awesome. If you do that I bet you could retail 39.99 or so and I bet they'd move too. You should post a picture when you get them in. That'd be sweet.