what is your company's policy on shop lifters and how does your store manager react to shop lifters and are you dealing with more than usual
I have a store manager that acts like he is afraid to stop one even when we have seen them steal it. today a co worker and myself saw a man take 4 packs of ribeyes, stick them in his coat, while I watch him my co worker went and got the store manager, he is about 36, he just watch the guy till he left the store, never stop him or ask him anything, told us he wasn't sure he had anything, Damn it we saw him but he wouldn't go on our word. So I guess we just let them take what they want.
We call the police on every shoplifter we catch, they dont usually arrest them but sometimes they do, our store seems to have an awful lot of it going on now.
there is one sweet old lady comes into us every week and leves her little trollie while she goes around the town shopping . i just found out a couple of weeks ago she is barred out of a few shops for shoplifting. look's like you can't even trust old lady's now a day's
The last chain I worked for had a heavy security presence, cameras watching all the employees and customers. Shoplifters always left in handcuffs. I did once get chastized by my union for going after a guy who stole a carton of cigarettes. I was told it was not my job and if I had been injured insurance might not have covered me.
When I started my careeer I worked for a small chain of 10 stores that almost never called police. Instead they insisted the shoploifter pay "restitution" which consisted of all the money he/she had on them. Clearly that's extortion but it's also justice. I stayed clear of that process as I did not want to be involved in it.
our store manager is on our side, we see some one get something, we call him, he is on them. he does called police if it over 20.00 dollars most of the time if it's less he just tells them not to come back.
Jim we have cameras but most of ours is watching the employees, only two covers any customers.
When I worked for Nash-Finch our store Econofoods was in a very shady part of town. We caught shoplifters left and right sometimes they fought back. One shoplifter hit a shift manager in the head with a bottle of Jack Daniels. The shoplifter ran and the police never caught him. The shift manager had a concussion and required several stitches.
I turned down an aisle once and saw an employee trying to stick 2 family packs of T-bones in his coat. He saw me and promptly pulled them out. I asked him if I could help him with anything (as was our protocol for approaching suspected shoplifters) he said he needed to speak with the store manager and asked if I'd get him. I asked another employee to watch the dude while I called for the store manager. The dude put the t-bones back while he waited for the manager. When the manager came up he just made small talk with him and then left the store, making sure he had his coat open so I could see nothing was in it. I told the store manager everything and that guy never worked there again.
At the store I work at now, our policy is to never chase or physically prevent anyone from leaving the store (insurance/safety issues). If we have a suspected shoplifter we make our presence known. That is, that person is never out of an employees sight and usually it's the store manager following them around. He hates shoplifters as much as anyone I've worked with but he also doesn't want anyone getting hurt. I remember chasing shoplifters when I was younger it was kind of a thrill. The best place to catch a shoplifter is in a dairy cooler that feeds from the back. Particularly if the aisles run perpendicular to the dairy case. The shoplifter never even knows you're watching them. Caught many a shoplifter this way.
if someone comes in my dept and is acting funny i take my meat coat off and just follow them around the store. works every time. they put it back or pay for it.
hey do you get those people who tear the price off something cheap and place it over something expensive. every time i see a tag missing and I know what happened I tell the boss and i get a "Oh Well" shrug *sigh*
hey do you get those people who tear the price off something cheap and place it over something expensive. every time i see a tag missing and I know what happened I tell the boss and i get a "Oh Well" shrug *sigh*
Hell yeah fdarn! I've seen that too! We actually use a label that doesn't tear off once it's applied. It sticks such that it will tear the wrap or just tear the label. When I used to find that in my case it really pi**ed me off!