Kinda the same here in Iowa. Last year I processed 50,000 lbs. of deer. Don't think it will be that much this year, but there are seasons still going on. They tend to keep dragging it in till May.
If I knew how much fun grandkids were,I would of had them first!
my uncle has a shop down here in georgia. dont no the pounds but he had a real good year. price of beef so high now, his numbers been climbin alot over the past few years. i got a guy i give fat to at work that got 5 this yaer alone.
Same here in Canada,wild game down this year.I only cut 3 Elk this year and no deer.There goes the christmas money.I don't cut them in shop I go out to peoples shop and cut them there.Last year was a awesome year.Boning out a elk or moose for steaks, roast, and grinds will take my self up to 3hours to do.Deer is usually 35 to 45 minutes if I am in a good mood.
With your experience, learning to cut deer would be easy for you.
I wasen't much of a hunter either, but after spending a little time with a friend who was processing deer I realized that it was the same as cutting cattle only on a much smaller scale.
I ask my friends to bring me the deer skinned, I break it down and bone it out. I tell my customers that all of their cuts will be boneless.
I charge $90.00 to cut it and bone it and $3.75 per lb + the cost of pork butts I mix with the meat (20%) to turn the trim into sausage.
I would find someone to train with for a season and then set out on your own.