Thanks for the invte. I will be on as much as possible, but getting into the big fall push to get custom cutting done and start making hams and turkeys for the holidays, .
If I knew how much fun grandkids were,I would of had them first!
I worked a provisional and I remember this time of year coming and the long days at the stuffer and hanging up hams. You got a tough job this time of year!
No, as we are located in a rural town of 400. Not enoughfoot traffic .Would love to add one,but don't really have the room,or time. We are primarily a custom plant but still sell alot of frozen retail.
If I knew how much fun grandkids were,I would of had them first!
You've got a good eye! That is our original zuber table.Stuffed alot of sausage on that old water stuffer! had it for at least 40 years. It's still my best table for doing sticks.
If I knew how much fun grandkids were,I would of had them first!