The number of U.S. Hispanics is growing four times faster than any other group in the United States. There are currently over 44 million Hispanics in the United States, up from 35 million in 2000. Understanding these customers is key to successful sales in your meat department. Below are links to further information on Hispanic Marketing.
The Hispanic Consumer: Visit to uncover why beef is such an important part of Hispanic culture, and how stocking the right cuts can maximize your beef sales to Hispanic customers.
Presentations: For further information on Hispanic Marketing, including market demographics and retail pilot test results, presentations are available for download. POS elements: Appeal to your Hispanic customers by placing bilingual Spanish/English signage and other point-of-sale (POS) materials in your meat department. Click here for further details.
I ran a Hispanic market. You need to make sure your cutters can cut it really thin and by hand. They expect it to be done this way you also will have to sell many things you may not understand. Be prepared to find answers
Cow Heads, tongue, liver, pork spines, lomo, and many other things are not common place to you but are engrained in their culture
Joe Parajecki
Operations Manager/ Partner
Kettle Range Meat Company, Milwaukee WI
Member Meat Cutter Hall of Fame and The Butcher's Guild