lately it feels like mondays are my best days probably because thats when our new sale starts. i really wish saturdays and sundays would pick up. in the past those days were better than 4 or 5 week days put together.
Ours runs Sat first, then Sunday, but sometimes Sunday is bigger than Saturday. When I took this market over they ran Sunday with one person now I use 3 or maybe 4 people and still struggle!
Fri is our busy day as it is the first day of the sale.Sat and Sun are a little slower, Tues is also a good day.Sunday one cutter and wrapper, fri 3 cutters, 1 manager and 2 wrappers.
I only work on Sundays in the summer holidays when there is alot of people about, Sat is my busiest then Monday when I knock out a few Welsh saltmarsh Lambs for the freezer.