Just wondering how many of you are forced by corporate ad writers to run things on sale for less than they cost? Excluding Turkeys, still haven't figured that out!!
Don't have to deal with that any more buy yes in the past with bi-lo. I hated the fish most of all, could never sell the stuff, put in case, reduce, throw in barrel
I work in a spartan store our ad group, on a weekly basis wil run at least one item and I mean a high tonnage item at a negative gross. Like chicken breast for 99 cents that cost 102 plus freight, or hams for 169 that cost 172 plus. Luckily I write my own meat ad and don't have to run them, but the spartan store up he road always does, and people ask for them in my store too!
This is nothing more than a loss leader. It brings the people in the store and may attract new customers. It is your job to display and push high gross items that go along with the loss leader to make up the difference.
ummmmm Look at my post about our one day Ground Chuck Sale So far 2 weeks in and we have lost $21k as a company on it "but it get's people in the door"
Joe Parajecki
Operations Manager/ Partner
Kettle Range Meat Company, Milwaukee WI
Member Meat Cutter Hall of Fame and The Butcher's Guild