this morning about 8:30 I let my wife'sGerman Shepherd back in from doing his business, he was fine and his self. about 15 mins later I was drinking coffee and watching the morning news. I heard him coming from the kitchen and to my left where I was sitting, I turn and looked at him, he looked at me and then his left hind leg went up side ways, he fell and started what I thought was a seizure, I jumped down beside of him and started petting his head, a min or so later he jerk twice and was dead. I take it he had a heart attack Shepherds have a life expectancy of 10.3 years, he was around 11 1/2.
He didn't let anyone he didn't know get to close to her and if she & I were playing with each other I better not raise a hand up to high or he would do a low grow till I put my hand back down.
He was a good dog and a bad boy, I saw him once while he was chained outside when two big dogs came into the yard and jumped him, they was on his ass good, he got wrap and fell because of the chain on him, that dog came up from the ground and took chunks out of both of them, they turn tail and left. when me and Leon got too him he was trying to break the chain to go after them. he was about 6 years old then, my brother use to leave him outside a few hours every day and had to keep a boat trailer chain on him, he would break anything else.
Sorry for your loss Leon. Nothing beats a good dog. I've never had much sympathy when harvesting a deer, but when it comes to dogs it is like losing a brother or sister.
I'm sorry to hear of you and your wifes loss Leon. My dog is laying at my feet as I type this and it's heartwrenching to think of losing her. I wish you and your wife the best. Think of those wonderful 11 years you had with him.