At our plant we have the hairnet...hardhat...mesh glove...mesh belly guards...and arm guards...BUT at our stores the cutters don't have to wear ANY of that including the hairnet not even a hat...and yes STILL using the wood blocks..
i cant beleive he aint wearing a hairnet or a mesh glove ..........they were just carless back
That hairnet & plasticglove stuff didn't come around till about the early 80's and came about because of women bitching about deli girls.
mesh gloves came about because of the slaughter house business in the UK in the 1900's where so many workers had bad injurys from being forced to work so fast. I never saw mesh gloves till the late 70's when A&P sent them out to our markets. we never had a order to wear them, I didn't run into being force to wear one till about late 80's
Little note,the rate of injury in the meat packing industry is three times that of private industry overall, and meat packing was noted by Human Rights Watch as being "the most dangerous factory job in America". The meatpacking industry more isolated areas workers were at greater risk due to their limited ability to organize and to seek redress for work-related injuries.