Safeway beef shanks with the bone pre sliced (have you seen this before?)
Safeway beef shanks now come in like this. One per package, with bone pre sliced. Unevenly, and sometimes not completely through. What do you think of that?
Vintage Scout American Slicing Machine Co. Meat Slicer
This is a neat old Meat Slicer called the Scout by the American Slicing Co. Chicago, ILL. The serial number is 219076. Patents from 1911-1921. It has a westinghouse motor on it that is 1/4 Hp, Volt 110 & Amp 4.8. The slicer is 26" long, 20" wide & 15" tall. It weighs around 125 pounds.
Is it ok to regrind meat?
I got a deer processed for me however I find the ground meat to be too lean for me. Is ok to defrost the meat, regrind it with more fat, and then freeze it again?
Remembering Leon "The APCowboy" at Christmas time.
Time is really flying by as we all know, especially us older meat men. I just wanted to remind everyone here how much Leon meant to us all, Leon had big dreams for us all and a real passion for our industry. Leon had big plans for the meat cutters club and I only wish he would have had more time to see it thr...
Clump of hair inside my steak
I heard about this happening in tripe from hair balls, but the striploin? Any ideas? Jayson asks; "I purchased a few New York Strips from my local grocery store last evening. After cooking them I cut my steak open to find a portion that was very very rare. Upon further inspection there was a clump of str...
Heading into Christmas as the only cutter in the shop.
That's right. Its's been a helluva few months. In the past four months the manager left, a cutter left, our good service case gal transferred and our wrapper transferred. Currently the team consists of a manager who was a clean-up four months ago, a semi-crippled clean-up, two post-retirement age c...
Meat Monkey
topic skirt steak
Since participation is low lets all talk about skirt steak. Do you sell it? How much for ? What is it or whats difference between inside and outside skirt steak. Who buys it old folks younguns or foodies. How do you sell it to someone who doesnt know what it is ie marketing Recipes that you can say to use it f...
topic slaughtering of animals
how comfortable are you with this process? Is it a part of your job? Do you find measures are taken to be humane as possible? personally ive never slaughtered animals to be eaten but back in 70s n 80s i had to put down litters of cats and dogs in a country place due to people then not neutering pets not pleasa...
Does your store do a senior discount day? And is it a zoo?
I guess its one of those ideas that's great in theory, but I have to think if the Suits worked the front lines once and a while they'd see things a little differently. It's just not a good idea to take the segment of your customer base that needs the most help and service and encourage them to all COME ON THE S...
Meat Monkey
Green Smelly Meat from Freshly Butchered Steer. Whats up with that?
A visitor asks: " Hi, I have a question for you. We recently butchered two older cows. They were grass fed cattle raised by someone we know who raises his animals naturally. The animals were shot and gutted day one. (It was about 32F) We then drove for 2 hours with both animals in the back of our pickup. (It...
Share Your Turkey Season Experiences In Your Store
There is an old slang saying we used to use during turkey season (Thanksgiving/Christmas) back in the day. "Cluster Buck", (wink). Yes, it could be sheer pandemonium for many meat departments. " Now that I am old and headed for the "bone-can, I sure would like to hear some "current experien...
What do you think of having a sign for every item in your case?
They do this at certain stores and I hate it. The customers may like it. It may promote sales, but I don't like it. They do it at a store where I work on my days off. These signs are a pain. They make it difficult to do what we used to call "level the counter". If you're out of something, make a double row of anoth...
How to have a 1/2 of Beef Cut?
Robert asks: "Hello, Me and a buddy have went in together and bought a 1/2 beef. The whole cow is going to butcher on Decmeber 9th and shortly after we have to contact the butcher and give them how we want it cut. We have never done this before and have no idea how we what to tell them to get every inch we can. s...
The Meaning of Extintion
a). No longer in existence; that has ended or died out: b). No longer in use; obsolete: c). Extinguished; quenched; not burning. Is this what we want to be our legacy as veteran meat cutters? Something's go extinct when the last existing member dies. Extinction therefore becomes a certainty wh...
free meat course
Mooc has a free meat course you have to pay to get the certificate but the material is accessed free. https://www.coursera.org/learn/meat-we-eat The Meat We Eat is a course designed to create a more informed consumer about the quality, safety, healthfulness and sustainability of muscle foods an...
Employment of Butchers & Meat Cutters By State Continued
MINN. went from 2,190 to 2,240 jobs. A gain of 50 jobs or 2.5% IA. went from 2,850 to 2,680 jobs. A <loss> of 170 jobs or 6% OAK. went from 1640 to 1550 jobs. A <loss> of 90 jobs or 5.5% KS. went from 940 to 1000 jobs. A gain of 60 jobs or 6.5% NE. went from 710 to 1000 jobs. A gain of 290 jobs or 41% SD. we...
Employment of Butchers & Meat Cutters By State
The U.S. Labor Dept. started to track butchers & meat cutter jobs by state beginning in 2012. I made a comparison from 2012 to 2015 by state to see what states increased in butcher & meat cutter jobs and which states declined. This study does not include packing plant employees. Only superm...
How to Prevent Frost Bite
A visitor asked this morning: ""I am a meat cutter, how do I prevent frost bites on my fingers? The doctor says there is already some nerve damage in my fingers as a result"" My Answer: "Thank you for asking. Yes frostbite is something you want to take steps to prevent. The best advice I can think of is...
where to order gibblet bags
Im processing a small number of turkeys, about 50, the owner would like to keep the innards bagged for their customers. My google searching is failing tonight. Anyone know where to order?
Starting up a Meat Market in Texas
Hello All, As you can see from the Subject of this post, this is what I intend on starting up in the near future. I am totally new to all of this but my interest level is very high on going forward with this. I live in Texas. I just kind of wanted your take on a few things I should be considering when starting a m...
Brooklyn Gaucho